Sarah’s Inspirational Story


Hi everyone, this is Melissa from Zest Natural Therapies. It is so lovely to have you here listening and hopefully, getting a lot from today's interview because it is something special!  I have Sarah here who is a 46 year old (or young!) lady that was my client on the Metabolic Balance program.

She did the 3 month program and of course it is a lifestyle change for her now. So I am not going to keep on talking because this is all about Sarah. So welcome Sarah! 


Thank you!


It's so great to have you with us because a lot of our listeners would just absolutely, I think, want to be inspired by someone like yourself.  And, so let's begin.  Today...look, the first thing I really want to ask you - because I know, everyone will be wanting to know this!  First up straight away, how much weight have you lost so far, and how long has that taken you with Metabolic Balance?

So, today, I actually haven't weighed myself today, but it's been 32 kilos.

Yeah, so that's in clothing size, it's 3, maybe 3 and 1/2, because I've got a pair of jeans that were the next size down just the other day. So about 3 and 1/2 dress sizes, say. I probably lost a good chunk of it in that first 3 months, just on that 3 month program, I think I got to just over 20 kilos - I think it was about 22 kilos. And then it's sort of, it slowed down, which was good. Because I think that makes it sustainable, and my body then started changing in other ways. But I guess it's the measurements also - that's been amazing because, like my hips, I would have, would you say oestrogen-dominant hips? So I've lost 20 centimetres from around my hips and 14 centimetres from around my waist, a couple of bra sizes, which has been interesting, Yeah, some of the measurements are quite interesting to watch, other than the kilos and just the way the body has changed, I guess.  My skin's healthier and hair's healthier, nails.  It's that on top of everything.


Incredible. And, you know, I'm glad you brought up the measurements because really it's not about, the weight, the, the number on the scales. It's actually about how you're feeling, but also the measurements. And a lot of people find that even just by being in their clothes, they can feel the difference, you know.




Fabulous. All right. So, tell everyone a little bit about your life prior to Metabolic Balance. 


So I wasn't a well person. I haven't been. I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries as a young teen, it's in the family. My daughter has it as well. So obviously along with that, all the hormonal, the weight issues, which isn't great when you're younger, I was a gym junkie for ages. It didn't always work. I ended up having multiple miscarriages. I actually needed a naturopath's help to be able to keep my daughter. We lost her twin and I managed to keep her.

Then eventually I had hysterectomy at 32, because there was just nothing the doctors could do much more and things got worse. I mean, it slightly helped, it took away the monthly issue, but it obviously didn't do anything for the hormones. And then at 35 I was diagnosed with bowel cancer.  I had to have part of my bowel removed and the complications after that, yeah, it was just ridiculous.  Regular bowel bleeding because of whatever was going on in there, I wasn't absorbing nutrients properly - obviously. having part of the bowel removed.  Then, because of the narrowing of the bowel due to scar tissue from all the surgeries and the abdominal area, I ended up being hospitalized quite a few times with bowel obstructions.  A couple of them were life-threatening. So that was NG tube and I was in hospital for ages getting that. And during COVID, that was not good! That was not fun. So you know, I'd see a dietician and they basically put me on a low fibre diet. So think anything white, white bread, potato, cauliflower - no real nutrition. Or just stocks - you go get the tin of stock and, and sort of, have that. Take a few vitamins, but there wasn't much more they could do rather, except tell me (lovely doctors, don't get me wrong), but you know, basically 'keep your hemoglobin levels up. If you drop below a hundred, then we'll have to do major surgery and take the bowel', which I wasn't happy with. So that was just not going to happen.

I tried different diets, even paid an exercise....I can't even think what it'd be called... for a diet plan. So calorie counting, exercise plan - it was really good, but it just wasn' obviously wasn't what my body needed. And then I looked into paleo. I looked into keto, because I recognized that there was something with grains.  I was pretty sure dairy was involved.  So I was just looking and looking for ages I was doing that.  And keto helped. Getting rid of grains, getting rid of...I love the dairy and whatnot, but I lost about 10 kilos, but still - I wasn't feeling good. So there was obviously something missing. Then I hit perimenopause, and then a nutritionist at one of my client's clinics actually suggested -  just hearing me talk to someone in the lunchroom - was like, you know gut health has a big thing to play in menopause, that sort of thing. So I started researching that and I came across Metabolic Balance. I actually found a practitioner in Ipswich that does do it (sorry to them for letting go) but, I rang and I spoke to them and went through about it. And I was a bit hesitant cause it is a big investment to do.  And, you know, if you get a quack or someone who doesn't quite know what they're doing, it's not brilliant. So I kept looking and I came across Zest Natural Therapies and saw they did Metabolic Balance, and there was a familiar face I saw!  And I know how much study you've done and I know how devoted you are to that.   And I knew how much it had helped. So I made an appointment, very nervously!  


And you haven't looked back!


No, I haven't.  Best thing I ever did.


Oh, that's amazing. So what has surprised you most Sarah, about the program, would you say? 


To be perfectly, I tried so many other things and while there were some good things about it, they just weren't for me. And like I said, I was nervous and I was a little sceptical, but I was willing to give it a go. It's just how well that blood test clearly works. And know, down to if you need supplements, the supplements you need.  And, I guess, just how wholesome good food can actually work. And do so much good, positive change to your body. 

I never really had cravings, which I was fortunate for. I was never hungry - I was worried I was going to be hungry. I wasn't. I think the amount of water you have to drink helps in the beginning!  But even now, my body tells me if I haven't had the right foods, my body tells me if I haven't had enough water to drink. But, with the way cost of living is, the other thing I was worried about was the ongoing cost.  Because I'm like, well, I'm changing my diet - you think health food, is it going to cost a lot more?  But that really surprised me, because it hasn't really cost us much more at all.  Because, well, we're not buying what we were. And now we're just focusing on that good, wholesome food, which you can shop around for a lot of farmers markets, you know, with your veggies and everything.  And, when you really break it down (because I'm a bookkeeper, so I like to do that!) - I'm not buying takeaway coffee, you know, I'm not going and buying cakes.  Or if we do go out with friends, it might be a black coffee or I've got my water and you sit and enjoy, and that's it. So in the long run, you are saving money.

But I think, just the fact that - forget the weight loss, great - but it's a side effect. It's the health that you get from it. And just the positive change, in so many ways. The energy - brilliant. And because you've got that, you just want to keep going. 


Let's delve into that. What other health changes have you found other than your incredible weight loss?


The energy for one., Definitely my sleep.  I remember at my first appointment, you said 'trust me - just give it two weeks, the energy you'll get, and the sleep you're going to get'.  And you were right, it was quite amazing. That's my biggest thing because I was just always so tired. Oh, and no aching joints!  I did not realize that, you know, I had knee pain.  Just the aches, I love to go out in my garden and I'd be aching the next day. I was trying to do 10, 000 steps at the time and I just, I was aching, just every day, aching. Whereas, I reckon probably by about week 3, we were out - we actually went camping on Moreton Island - and we were walking on the beach and whatnot and I was getting to my 10, 000 steps and I was like, I'm not aching.   It just really blew me away.  And my blood test, the doctor just was blown away by the first blood test after...I think it was about 5 months after I started. So my inflammation levels were very high. Yeah, initially - like 10 or 11 - and that was the one thing he was watching besides the cancer markers was inflammation.  And when he did it, it was down to like 1, which I, I could tell through the body clearly.  But you know, he needed that in there, but all my blood tests just came back amazing. Like, you know, my liver was so much better, my kidneys (because I'd been having kidney problems trialing keto). All of that has come back.  I've been able to come off blood pressure medication. So I've come off that.  I was on blood clotting medication because I just kept popping clots. I have been able to come off that, which is a BIG thing. And that's not necessarily something the doctors were completely happy with. But the fact is not taking them - I'm not popping clots. So there's obviously something that has just been....yeah, we don't know what it was. They don't know why I was popping them, but I'm not doing it anymore. And it's only been since MB. So I don't tell anyone to just come off (talk to the doctors with all of that)  But, yeah, just more the energy. My husband got ill. I had to start up my own business, which means I have to be on the ball.  So it's the energy.


And a clearer head, yep.  What about bowels, any difference there? Gut? 


My gut health, definitely. I really struggled with the 'bathroom situation' let's say that, beforehand.  Like I said, I do know if I've eaten the wrong thing.  If I happen to have gone out for a 'cheat meal', I personally try to still stick to my foods, but we'll just do something a bit more fancy.  But if we happen to go out for dinner - we had an anniversary party the other night and the food was divine.  And I really enjoyed it. But I didn't so much the next day. Because I noticed that difference. So, yeah, as long as I stick to it, 


That's incredible, how it happened pretty much straight away.  


It is.


And then you were talking about perimenopause as well. What about the symptoms there? 


Do you know....probably the mood, I guess. Yeah. I would say the mood.  Because obviously having my uterus removed, I don't have 'certain aspects' of the monthly cycle - which I'm so grateful for - but I would always still get a bit of PMS. And there would be some months where my poor husband - having two of us - he just wants to go downstairs in the shed and sleep there for a week.  But that's definitely settled and I guess the anxiety that comes with it.  I didn't realize how much anxiety can be caught up in menopause, and that sort of thing. So it just doesn't seem as bad. I seem to just be able to cope...I seem to be able to cope better.  And the clarity of mind that I didn't have before (which apparently can be a common symptom of going through menopause). So there you go, a lot of that is just a LOT better. And some of it...I guess, I don't really notice until you ask me! And I'm like, 'yeah'!


Yeah...this is what I really encourage my clients - when they do get their program, like you have seen, down the bottom, we give a couple of graphs where we include different symptoms. And you can ascertain what positive changes have been happening or even other different changes in general. And so you can look back and go, 'Oh yeah, like I used to have all of these things!' -  because you do tend to forget, even though you had these symptoms for years, but then, you know, 6 months down the track, you haven't had those symptoms.  You actually forget you had those symptoms in the first place. So it's good to actually write those down, and it's very encouraging - not only just the weight loss, but then you can actually see the other health effects that Metabolic Balance brings. 

So can I ask you, Sarah, how did you find the accountability with myself, with the 3 months and the contact and communication?


Right in the me, it's essential because, like I said, I was going camping on Morton Island for one, and I remember when I was starting, I said to you, 'I don't know do I do this?'  Because trying to work out when to start, I wanted to start as soon as possible, but I was like, 'how am I going to do this?'  But just having someone who knows their stuff and can talk you through it - it was not that difficult at all. And we go off grid. So it was not difficult to stick to it at all, but having that person to go, 'no, you can do this!. Let's work it out together'. Because it can be a bit overwhelming in the beginning - it's a whole change to your life. So yeah, it can be confusing and overwhelming (especially with the two day cleanse). Yeah....that can be interesting! You feel great afterwards, but whoa, it can be hard! But I guess too - when things don't go so good just to have a 'sounding board'.  I lost Mum back in September., so things sort of stalled a little bit. I was sticking to the foods I needed to eat and I was trying my best, but it was reaching out to you and, you know, you go 'have you thought of talking to a psychologist or do a bit of grief counselling?' or just having those reminders as you go through it.  And don't worry if you've slipped up, it's okay!  Just keep going as best you can, because you can get really down on yourself, especially when you've. I had lost...I would have lost, I think about 27 kilos by then. And the scales just weren't moving. And it really did come down was like, almost a mental block.  My body just was like, 'okay, well, we're just going to sit here for a while while you go deal with other stuff'. But just having someone to sort of. sound off, to go, 'you're going fine, just keep going. It'll all fall back into place'. Yeah. And then I guess too,...when like I had my bloods done, one of the things that was picked up was I had an issue with B12, and protein (obviously with whatever's going on in my gut from the cancer, I wasn't able to absorb that properly). So then it was just reaching out to you and you were like, 'Oh, well, we can just tweak this in your supplement to help'. So I'm about to have more blood tests. That'll be interesting to see if that's gotten better, which I assume it has.  

Yes, well I definitely would love to see that!


Yeah, I'm hoping I've done enough!


I'm sure there'll be incredible positive changes.  Because, you know, from the amount of weight you've lost comes all of those other things, as you say - the reduced inflammation - certainly, it's one of the biggest things as well. That is just that flow on effect.

You have done obviously such an of the most amount of weight loss I've seen through our practice, as in my clients. And so, your husband and your daughter have jumped on board as my clients and doing Metabolic Balance as well, because you've been so inspirational to them!  

Tell me more about that. How has family life been since the 3 of you have been doing Metabolic Balance and, you know, keeping in mind that each program is specific to you. So there WILL be different foods for each person. How did you go with that, Sarah?  Are you the cook?


Yeah, between my husband and I, we sort of share it out.  In the beginning, it just depends on if I'm working and how late I'm working, because we have to stick to the five hours. So we sort of all work together. To be honest, it was a bit overwhelming in the beginning because....he knew what I was eating, and it was just him and Liesl up until now, but, yes, it was a bit overwhelming at the beginning.  And when we got their meal plans, their food plans, we sort of sat there and all went, 'Oh my goodness!',  Because my husband, he has an autoimmune disease - and I knew he'd come off grains. I knew there'd be no dairy and I was prepared for that because they cause a lot of inflammation, there's issues there.  But neither of us were expecting that he'd have to come off red meat for this period too!  So that sort of threw us.  He can have fish, he can have all the legumes and whatnot, but I couldn't. So we weren't experienced at making up recipes for that and trying to keep it...he's an Aussie, meat and 3 veg, that's what he likes to eat! So he's had to change!  


And Liesl eats red meat as well.


Yeah, and Liesl can eat more red meat than me!  But at the same time, she can have steak. If I have steak, I really do not...I can't process that. So it just goes to show how individual it is. Because I already knew I had a problem processing steak.  So, you know, that just proved it to me. Yeah, it was overwhelming, but once we sat down and we just simply went...we highlighted on all 3, what veggies are the same on all 3 plans, and what meat is the same on all 3 plans and we just started simple.  We started with that, and because I knew how they were going to be feeling through the cleanse, I went and did all the shopping for a week.  We sat and just did a huge meal prep for the week because I knew the first two days wouldn't be brilliant, and then it might take a couple of days after before they were feeling well enough and I just thought if we can get them through that first week to two weeks with all the veggies cut up in their portion sizes in the freezer and they just had to pull out for each one.  But we just all went...we were able to have a sheep yogurt with either mangoes or berries or whatever. That was all the same for us. So we just stuck to that, just kept it simple until they started feeling the effects of the diet. And then it was very easy for them to keep on going.  And now we just do a meal prep every fortnight. We'll go out, and we'll get all the veggies we need. We come back, we process them all. I've got a friend who has chickens who loves our scraps and then we get eggs, fresh eggs!  Yeah, so we process, we put them all through, we weigh them all out, they're all in the fridge, you know, the meat gets done, everything.  So it just makes everything easy and if it's just one of us at home, everything's weighed out, you know, we can cook it all. Because it's very important as a family that we have dinner together. And I think, to cook 3 separate meals and have to think it through every single day would's a recipe for disaster!  So it was just about being organized to fit into our busy lives anyway, But it's worth it.


Yeah, it's finding what works for you as well. And, did you ever think that...because how old is Liesl? 


She is about to turn 20.


Yes. Wow. And did you see changes with her? Like in the first few weeks?


Yeah. So she has polycystic ovaries. It's almost like she...I don't know, it just had to be worse than me with part of it because her insulin was affected to the point that it was actually dropping really low. Her blood pressure was dropping really low.  Which has rectified itself, actually, which has been really, really good.  She has...oh, well, we don't have the crazy cow every month!


I was just going to say, I'm sure she knows that's the family joke, everyone! 


Yeah, she does! She's not as crazy emotional.  She used to get very angry - because one of the things about polycystic ovaries is they do have more testosterone - when the hormones aren't levelled out.  So she tried so hard to fight against it, but there's just sometimes....But the energy!  She used to drag herself out of bed every day, and drag herself through her day at work or study or whatever she was doing. But she actually said last week...she went on holiday with my sister down to Sydney and there was a couple of (even though she's technically still in the strict period) there was a couple of times they went to the Sydney Eye Tower and they had the buffet that was there and she tried her best to stick, but she still had a few items that she probably shouldn't have.  And she felt it.  And she felt it in her body and just felt how...yeah, not so good!  With her it affected her mood -  quite a bit. So she said the other day that she's more confident in herself (which you can see) - because she knows she's feeding her body right. She's like, 'I feel healthy'. Actually, quite a few have actually made that comment. Her eyes are bright. It was like they were sort of like this cloudy grey/blue, but now they're quite blue.  It's just...I don't know, she's just exuding that health!  But she's just so confident in herself now too, because she feels so good. 


That's it. And, and didn't you mention something in an email about unwanted....what was it? 


Male attention.  Yeah, she's not happy about that! There's been a few whistles while she's walking the dog, so she's like, 'I am not happy with that, Mum!'.  Because she's showing a lovely figure at the moment.  I think what I like about it too with her is it's not like she had to lose a lot of weight. I think she's lost about 10 kilos and it's really just plateaued out now, it has. Again, she's lost in measurements, especially around her hips because she has those 'oestrogen hips'.  It's not necessarily about the weight loss. For her, it is the positive effects, that energy she's getting. Her sleep is so much better. She was not sleeping well at all for such a long time. And she doesn't have the aches. She always used to have aches and pains and whatnot, which...probably hormonal, I don't know.  But yeah, that's one of the things that she's really, really noticed.


Fabulous. And more of a balanced mood, which for the whole family is wonderful, not just herself. 

Yes, you say with a gritted smile!

All right. And lastly,  if our listeners were wanting to know a bit more about Metabolic Balance - if they're on the fence about it -  and really wanting to create a new healthy lifestyle for themselves, what would you say to inspire our listeners?


'Feel the fear and do it anyway'. 


I've got that book!


I did. I was very fearful. I was very fearful and anxious. Didn't know if I would be able to stick to it. Especially when you get your meal plan and you realise 'ooh is a change'.  But it's...I mean, it's just normal food. It is normal food. It might be...depending like where we live - I have to travel, I have to go into Ipswich if I need to get my sheep's yogurt or, you know, anything like that, because there's not anything close by.  But I just set up a regular order with them, and I'm in once a week doing stuff. You just sort of make it part of your routine.  I guess with my husband, he, don't know this actually, but he has just come off his....because of his autoimmune, he's been on steroids, and that pushed him straight into type 2 diabetes (which always happens). Now the GP is taking him off his diabetes medication.  And when he sees them next week, it looks like he's going to be able to come off his blood pressure medication, and lower a couple of the other ones as well.  As long as he sticks to MB, As long as you stick to this, you'll be fine. 


It's a lifestyle, isn't it?  Oh, that is just wonderful news, Sarah. I love that. 


Yeah. So I figured, you know, if the car breaks down, we will spend what we need to, to get it fixed.  Or replace it if it's bad. We can't replace our body.  But, you know, whatever we're paying to put into our body - we have it for a long time.  We need to look after it. And, you know, MB has worked. It's worked for me. It's definitely worked for my daughter. It's definitely working for my husband.  We didn't think he was going to be able to go back to work, but we're getting to the point where it looks like he....we're already talking to the OT's and that to see if we can get him to start trialling to go back to work, which we honestly didn't think that was going to happen. 

So it's just, it's a big change. Like to the point where his Mum, she's got issues. Say that the right way, but you know what I mean!  She has health issues. She's a breast cancer survivor and she's looked at...we had a 20th wedding anniversary for ourselves last year. And it was the day before I started MB, and she was looking at a photo from that just last week...two weeks ago, and she said 'the difference in you and Stephen from then - a year ago - to what you are now'.  I'll be booking her in!  She said 'I need to get on to this' because nothing else is working for her with her gut issues, which is all since the chemo.

So, yeah, it's worth the investment.  And it's worth feeling overwhelmed at the beginning.  It really is. 


And you know, I remember you saying also in an email that someone...I think a friend of yours had said how incredible you look, and that she thought you were incredible for doing this.  And you said something like, 'but it wasn't even difficult. It's just a normal way of life!'.   It's a normal way of eating, you know? 


And yeah, they...and that was one of the...the willpower you have to do it. And I was sort of like, it doesn't. If it is willpower, it doesn't feel like willpower.  I felt like I needed willpower to stick to keto, or to stick to the calorie control one that I had through the exercise....what do they call them? Personal trainer. That was him. So yeah, I felt like I really had to work and control that. Whereas this just doesn't...I guess, because you feel so good.  You just becomes natural.


Yeah. Oh, fabulous. Thank you so much. Is there anything else that you can think of that you would love to say?  You've told us so much invaluable information and certainly to your success with Metabolic Balance.  And moving forward, this is your life now, isn't it?


Yeah. It is. I put on my wedding dress and it's too big.


And how long have you been married?


21 years.




I know. I couldn't believe it. I was like, 'oh, I might fit into it now. And I put it on and I hadn't seen myself and Liesl was like, 'it's too big, Mum.  It's too big'.  And I pulled out a dress that was one of my favourite dresses when I was younger, and I pulled it out and put it on thinking, 'oh, I won't fit into it'.  It's too big. So this is the smallest I have been able to get to - despite trying everything -  because of the polycystic ovaries and everything.

I just wish I'd known about it back then. I'm really pleased that my daughter has it at such a young age so that she doesn't have to go through what I've had to go through.  


Oh well, that's such a beautiful ending to our interview - so inspiring! And I just think you are fabulous and that you've created such health for your entire family now.  And I'm so glad that someone initially told you about MB and then you found me.


I know!


So random isn't it? It's meant to be.   




Alright, well thank you so much!  And I hope everyone did enjoy that because it definitely has come from the heart and I hope it has planted a seed, inspired you and maybe perhaps got you out of a funk of the way you've been feeling on a daily basis.

If you would like more information on Metabolic Balance, you can head to www. zestnaturaltherapies. com. au.  My name is Melissa, and we've got Linda the naturopath as well, and we both work online.  Also you can email me - [email protected].  

And again, thank you so much for tuning in - I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you.

Minor editing has been performed on this transcript for grammatical purposes.


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