About Our Practitioners

Linda Back

Naturopath, Nutritionist


Certified Metabolic Balance PRACTITIONER

I've always had a keen interest in nutrition and natural health.  Every aspect of our life depends on our health, and if our health suffers then so does our ability to enjoy life to the full.  I've been so lucky to be able to get my own health back on track following a diagnosis of severe endometriosis, which was the spark that created the flame that is now my passion - helping people get well again.  

My qualifications Include:

  • Advanced Diploma of Nutritional Medicine (2012)
  • Advanced Diploma of Western Herbal Medicine (2012)
  • Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy (2012)
  • Bachelor of Health Science (Complementary Medicine) - upgrade (2016)
  • Vitae Mosaic - Naturopathic Functional Medicine - (2018)
  • Certified Metabolic Balance Practitioner (2020)
  • G.E.M.M. (Gut Ecology & Metabolic Modulation) Practitioner Training (2023)
  • Health Coach Accreditation (June 2024)

I am a member of the National Herbalists Association of Australia (NHAA)as well as the Health Coaches Australia and New Zealand Association (HCANZA), who make sure practitioners meet strict education, ethical and practice standards.

In July 2021 I was awarded 'No. 2 Metabolic Balance Clinic in Australia'!  You can read about my own experience with the program here.

In my spare time I enjoy growing veggies and fresh herbs in my home garden, cooking delicious food, camping, stretching out with a good yoga class, or curling up with a good book (preferably accompanied by a nice glass of wine)

Melissa Cook


Certified Metabolic Balance PRACTITIONER

After 10 years in the airline industry, I took a leap of faith and chose to follow my passion with food as medicine in studying Nutritional Medicine. My love for food started very young and by the time I reached adolescence. I was very overweight which progressed to my teenage years. I endured immense teasing and being ridiculed by other children which I now look at as a blessing as this has led me to find my passion in weight loss and self- love. To me, these both go hand in hand.

My qualifications include:

  • Advanced Diploma of Nutritional Medicine (2017)
  • Certified Metabolic Balance Practitioner (2021)
  • Bachelor of Health Science (Nutritional Medicine) - upgrade (2022)

For 2 years I worked for Weight Watchers as a Wellness Coach running workshops each week which I loved as I enjoyed seeing the very real difference in people's lives. I personally understand what it is like to have excess weight and how it affects our whole outlook on ourselves and our lives.  

My passions outside my career are hiking, creating and baking healthy treats, a good almond milk flat white (extra hot), RPM bike classes, learning meditation, listening to podcasts of self-development and nutrition.

I completed the training to become a Metabolic Balance Coach which is so exciting as well as experiencing the program myself.  I am a member of the Australian Natural Therapist's Association, which you can be rest assured guarantees practitioners meeting strict ethical and practice standards
