Almost Free

On-Demand Webinars

Kick Sugar!  Webinar (Recording) - With Melissa Cook

• Understand the different sugar terms, and how to easily check food labels for hidden sugars and other nasties
• Understand the mechanism behind why you may be addicted to sugar – and how to beat it
• How sugar, rather than fat, contributes to undesired weight gain
• Myth-busting around food packaging, and the 5-Star Food Rating system
• Learn about hunger hormones, and how you can balance more!

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Good Mood Food- By Melissa Cook

Read about the importance of nutrients for mental health, the link between gut health and the brain, and get some great food ideas that you can use at home.

Includes 3 x delicious recipes that Melissa showcases at her mental health culinary nutrition workshop

Hormones In Harmony Recipes - By Linda Back

Real food with a delicious spin on nutrients and foods for hormonal balance
