Every couple of months I look out for a new herb to stock in my clinic in liquid (extract) form, to add to my dispensary.  And each time I decide on a new herb, I inevitably think to myself ‘why on earth has it taken me this long to get this one?’

Like most herbalists, I do tend to have my ‘favourites’ from time to time, and at the moment my favourite herb would have to be Rosemary.  I have only had it in my dispensary for a few months, but I am already onto at least my 3rd bottle, and have found it to be an absolute gem of a herb.

Most of us are familiar with the Rosemary plant – it is a great ‘set and forget’ herb to grow in your garden, because it doesn’t mind a bit of neglect, nor does it mind a bit of dry weather.  And as you can see from the picture, bees love it!

Rosemary has been shown to be high in antioxidants, which means it helps to protect the membranes around your cells.  It also has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, as well as helping to reduce spasms and protect the liver.   It also shows promise as a healthy adjunct to weight-loss – some studies using Rosemary have shown that it helps to balance blood sugar levels and reduce fat absorption, leading to better weight management.  Interesting stuff!

So, what do I tend to use it for in the clinic?  I like Rosemary for enhancing concentration, helping to support healthy hormone balance/menstrual cycle in women, supporting liver health and where I feel the patient could benefit from some extra antioxidants.


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