Grow Green Leafy Vegetables – Easy And Nutritious

I think I may have been a little too heavy-handed with my seed-sprinkling efforts when I planted these – there are certainly quite a lot of lettuce, chervil and rocket plants in this little group, and I think I may even see a rogue beetroot plant in the bottom left-hand corner.

Growing from seed is easy and rewarding, and it allows you to obtain food that hasn’t been drenched in chemicals and also hasn’t lost its nutrient content between harvesting and when you eat it.

If you are interested in trying to grow a few of your own vegies – grab a packet of seeds and give it a try! The best way to learn is by doing, and a packet of seeds only sets you back a few dollars (yet you will often get hundreds of seeds per pack), so what have you got to lose? Try radishes or lettuce (or both, that way you have a ready-made salad!), which are good for beginners and/or kids, and grow some in pots if you are short on space.


grow vegetables

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