Feeling flat, tired, worn out or exhausted all the time is simply no fun at all.

Our lives are so busy these days that it is easy to burn the candle at both ends, trying to keep up with our many tasks that require our energy and constant attention.   

And I know what it’s like – I’ve certainly had my share of times where, for some reason or other I’ve pushed myself too hard to get a million things done.  I’ve ended up rewarding myself with an unexpected cold or flu, interrupted sleep and feeling like I just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep for 100 years.  Wake me up in 2122.

When it comes to energy, most patients I see in my clinic would like to feel more energetic.  In many cases, it is the driving force behind why they have come to see me in the first place.  And it’s absolutely fantastic when I hear them report back after starting their treatment that they have more energy and are starting to feel on top of things again.

But I can’t stress enough just how important it is to work out EXACTLY where the lack of energy is originating, so that we  can address it as quickly and effectively as possible.

So, on that note, here are a few reasons why I find many people feel tired and worn out:

  • Nutrient deficiencies.  Most people are familiar with the concept of low iron causing fatigue, which is often the first test a doctor will order if you say you are feeling tired.  Iron is responsible for carrying oxygen around your body, so if you are low in iron your body will be struggling to get the oxygen it needs.  And whilst this can be a reason why you feel fatigued (this is particularly common among women who have heavy periods, vegetarians/vegans) there are also other nutrients that are often overlooked when it comes to the role they play in energy production.  These can include magnesium, B-vitamins and co-enzyme Q10.   Don’t forget that many pharmaceutical medications deplete nutrients, so if you are taking a medication regularly, it can be wise to make sure you are aware of which nutrients to need to be particularly mindful of.
  • Stress.  Perhaps your stress levels have been too high for too long.  If you are constantly under a high degree of stress (particularly where you are not taking much ‘time-out’ to recharge), your nervous system starts to become depleted from the constant demands.  The technical term for this is 'HPA axis dysfunction' (hypothalmic-pituitary-adrenal) or simply 'burnout', and it is a sign that your body is sending you that something in your life needs to change.   Symptoms of HPA axis dysfunction can include feeling worn out all the time (in particular, you may find it extremely difficult to get out of bed in the morning), but then feel wound-up and ‘wired’ in the evening, sugar cravings, and hormonal imbalances.
  • A sluggish thyroid Your thyroid is a small gland in your neck, that plays a key role in your metabolism, or the rate at which you burn food for energy and your cellular processes occur.  Because of this role, a sluggish thyroid can lead to a range of symptoms, including fatigue, low/flat moods, difficulty concentrating, irregular periods, dry skin/hair, feeling excessively cold or hot, as well as digestive complaints such as constipation.  

Of course, there are plenty of other reasons why you may be feeling flat and tired, and these can include not drinking enough water, poor quality sleep, a diet that is too high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, through to the more serious issues such as chronic fatigue syndrome.


energy, fatigue, natural health

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