Allergies and intolerance (to foods, chemicals, and even medications and supplements) are considered to be among the fastest-growing chronic conditions in Australia – and these types of issues are only expected to become more common over the coming years.  It is especially worrying just how many of our young people seem to be suffering these kinds of issues – these certainly weren’t anywhere near as common when I was growing up, and I’m sure you would say the same.

Hypersensitivities are caused by an over-reaction by the body to a substance that should be seen as harmless – and particularly in the case of food intolerance, the culprit can be difficult to pinpoint.   The reaction is often delayed over hours, or even days.

Symptoms of hypersensitivities/intolerance can include:

And of course, the severe reactions that can be life-threatening (anaphylaxis).  Plus, let’s not forget the emotional toll caused by these conditions – intolerance and sensitivities can really make life difficult, by causing stress in social situations where 'safe' food options may not be available, and the extra work (not to mention cost!) involved in avoiding trigger foods or allergens.

The trouble with these kinds of issues is that the first change many people make in an effort to control symptoms is to start restricting foods from the diet (often beginning with the ‘usual culprits’ of gluten, dairy, eggs, nuts, soy etc).  Whilst these foods can certainly cause issues, it is important to keep in mind that in many cases, food reactions are not actually about the food

More often than not, the reaction is linked to the health of the gut.  Remember that 70% of your immune system is located in your gut, and when things aren’t working as well as they should in this area, it can lead to a loss of barrier protection in your digestive tract (this helps to keep trigger foods or allergens from causing a reaction), reduced enzyme production (meaning you can’t break down the food you eat very easily), and molecules of food can enter the bloodstream where the immune system leaps on them causing an over-reaction. 

The layers of the gut

Help Is Available: Allergy & Reactivity Reduction Program

I use a completely natural protocol in the clinic, that has been designed to help identify where the reactivity actually originates, so that the focus can be on rebuilding tolerance, and managing symptoms.  Please feel free to get in touch if you would like to find out more.


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