Macadamias – What’s Not To Love?

One of my favourite quick and easy snacks is some raw macadamias – is there anything more delicious?

Macadamia nuts are packed with protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and they are a great snack to fill you up in between meals.

One of the reasons I hear as to why someone is not eating nuts regularly is that nuts are expensive. Let’s take a moment to work this out. I buy a 225g pack of fresh nuts in my local supermarket for $8.72, which lasts me roughly 10 snacks. So in other words, each nut snack I have costs me around 90c – and compare this to the cost of buying a daily coffee and cake, or a chocolate bar – which most people are quite happy to do without thinking twice!

Eating nuts regularly has been associated with having a significantly lower risk of dying, and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and Type 2 Diabetes – this makes them pretty cheap health insurance if you ask me!


healthy fats, macadamias

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